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Sherpa international collaboration with the Mir@bel network and French publisher policiesSee more about this new feature

Support Sherpa

Sherpa Romeo is a service that is operated and funded by Jisc to serve the needs of the open access community. It analyses the open access policies of publishers from around the world. We are therefore very pleased to say that we are a service that is used worldwide. In fact, over 80% of our usage is currently from overseas.

We have been working with The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS), which is a funding scheme to help secure the future of the key services that are vital to the world's non-commercial, open access infrastructure. Sherpa Romeo was part of the pilot funding cycle presented by SCOSS to the global community.

We are delighted to say that we have had a very positive response to this funding scheme, and you can see a list below of the consortia and institutions that have already pledged their support for Sherpa Romeo.

If you find Romeo valuable, there is still time for you to contribute to its ongoing support through the SCOSS scheme. Please use the link below, if you wish to get in touch with us about the opportunity to support our service:

Our Sponsors

Please find below details of our current contributors, to whom we are extremely grateful:

CRKN (Canada)

Atlantic Region



Western Region

FinELib consortium (Finland)


Universities of Applied Sciences (Polytechnics)

Research Institutes

Unit Consortium (Norway)